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dave ciaccio

"Writer" of "Comedy" in Los "Angeles"


For Show
dave ciaccio
Fake Doctor
dave ciaccio
Fake Doctor
For Show
Episodes Uploaded
The Science Jerks
Wildlife Goes HAM on Wild-Hamster Wheel

Ciaccio and Chan look into the study that shows wild mice actually seem to enjoy a good run on the hamster wheel.


Science AF featuring ION Scionce!
Gyno-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Cryo-Pachydermal Culinary Science, Cognitive Ec...

Dr Ciaccio (not a doctor) explores the new lab-grown mammoth meat, the "vagina on a microchip" being used to study the human biome, some resilient lit...


The Science Jerks
Food From Crickets

Chan and Ciaccio look into the new movement of making food from Crickets.


Science AF featuring ION Scionce!
Nuclear Fusiology, Orbital Lunology, MyrmeMycoMycology, Space Madness and in Com...

In this Episode Dr Ciaccio (not a doctor) looks into new advancements in Nuclear Fusion. The Artemis Mission including the Orion Spacecraft which just...


The Science Jerks
Gut Reactions

Chan and Ciaccio take a look at the actual scientific basis of a gut reaction.


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