This light-hearted documentary series follows the rise and fall of the game of Baseball in Italy, and the Italian city that made baseball its greatest love. Brought by the Americans during WWII, baseball took root in Nettuno, a small seaside town near Rome, leading to an entire Italian Baseball League that still plays the game today with a distinctly Italian flair.
The history of baseball in Nettuno Italy is recalled by historians, current baseball players and some of the old timers that were there when it starte...
(more)The old timers recount the time that Joe DiMaggio came to Nettuno and squared off against their star pitcher, Tagliaboschi, resulting in a disputed nu...
(more)American player and fish out of water Ryan Miller talks about playing baseball in Italy, and the locals recall when Nettuno won the 1990 championship.
(more)Nettuno locals talk about the decline of baseball's popularity and the uncertain future of the league.